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Egidijus Rudinskas

Selected lithuanian artists presented by ARKA gallery

Born on March 1962

Graduated from Vilnius Art Academy Printmaking department in 1986.

Since 1987- a member of Lithuanian Society of Artists.

1990-stipendiary work at Kuenstlerhaus Schwalenberg, Germany.

1991- 2003 Lecturer of drawing and printmaking in Vilnius Art Academy Kaunas Art institute.

1992 and 1995- Lecturer in etching and drawing at Saarlandische Sommerakademie, Wadgassen, Germany.

1997-a prize of Lithuanian society of artists for illustrations for collection of poems by H. L. Hix "The Last Hour”.

1998- residency at Rutgers University, Center for Innovative Print and Paper, New Brunswick, NJ, USA.

2000-First prize at International Biennial of Graphic arts Francavillla Al Mare, Italy.

2000- A prize at 20-th International Mini Print Exhibition Cadaques, Barcelona.                     

2002 – Graphic symposium “Watersuply” in Pedvale, Latvia.

2003 - Residency in Frans Masereel graphic center, Belgium.

2004- Lecturer in International printmaking courses, Urbino, Italy

2004 – Residency in International center for artistic engraving KAUS, Urbino, Italy

2004-2006 The State grant of the Ministry of Culture of Lithuanian Republic .

2006- Honourable Mention Award at 12th Asian Art Biennale Bangladesh 2006

2006 – A prize of Lithuanian society of artists for collection of works in exhibition “Space, surface, body” CAC, Vilnius

2008 - Honorable Mention in Printmaking Triennial “Bridges Between the Mediterranean and the Baltic”. Thessaloniki, Greece

2009 – printmaking symposium “Rafael”, Urbino, Italy

2011- Kaunas municipality grant .

2012 – Ciurllionis art museum prize in the exhibition “The best art work of the year 2011”

2012 - Printmaking symposium "Rossini"  Urbino, Italy

2015   medal and diploma in II international printmaking exhibition  In search of lost paradise.

Naujas gyvenimas
Vienatvės sodas.
N – naktis.
M–mirtis ir meilė.
A–atminties sodas.
Dvidešimt keturi.

Personal Exhibitions:

2012-Retrospective exhibition, works 1982-2012. Kaunas picture gallery, Vilnius town hall.

2012 - Luxembourg "Foyer Europeen" rue Heine 12

2011- Gallery Mare Liberum, Hamburg, Germany

2011-Monkute-Marx Museum, Kedainiai, Lithuania

2011- Art Gallery of Ciurlionis Illinois USA

2009- Etchings 1987-2009. Rafael museum, Urbino, Italy

2009 “The Distant City”  Arka gallery, Vilnius

2008- “Ten questions and ten answers”, Helmut Schmidt university, Hamburg, Germany

2007- “Elegien”. Mare Liberum gallery, Hamburg, Germany

2006-Print gallery.Kaunas, Lithuania

2004- Print gallery. Kaunas, Lithuania

2004- Juodkrante gallery, Lithuania

2003- Rotundo gallery, Vilnius.

2002- Meno parkas gallery. Kaunas

2001- Taller Galleria Fort, Cadaques, Spain.

2000- Rotundo gallery, Vilnius .  

2000- Egle gallery, Kaunas.

1999- Egle gallery, Kaunas,

1998- Vartai gallery, Vilnius.   

1998- Kauno langas gallery, Kaunas.

1998- Lithuanian ambassy, Washington, USA.

1997- West Wing gallery, NJ,USA

1997-Hartola town municipality, Finland

1996- Skulski Art gallery, NJ, USA.

1995- Merzig town library, Germany.

1995- Heng Artland gallery, Singapoore.

1993- Kauno langas gallery, Kaunas.

1987- AL gallery, Kaunas.

Selected international group exibitions

“Kunst im Knast” Lithuanian art. Hamburg, Germany-1990

“Lithuanian artists in Schwalenberg”, Germany-1990

“Faces” works on paper, Melbourne, Australia-1990

Krakow International Print Triennial, Poland -1991, 2000

Tallin International Print Triennial, Estonia-1992, 2000

Tionde graphic triennial, Stockholm, Sweden-1992

“Premio Internationale Per L’Incisione, Italy-1993

“Six artists from Kaunas”, Vexjo, Sweden-1993

First international Print Biennial Maastricht, Belgium-1993

Inernational mini print exhibition Bristol, Great Britain-1994

“Mini Print Internacional Cadaques, Spain-1995,1997, 1999, 2000

Baltic countries graphic art triennial Koenigsberg 2000

3-rd Bitola graphic triennial, Macedonia-2000

3rd International artists book triennial, Vilnius 2003

“In Figura” die menschliche Figur in der bildenden Kunst, Herne, Germany-2003

Biennale de l’estampe de Saint-Maur

“Now art now future”- international festival of graphic art- Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipeda, 2005-2006

12th Asian Art Biennale Bangladesh 2006

Falun Triennal 2007, Dalarnas museum , Sweden

Printmaking Triennial “Bridges Between the Mediterranean and the Baltic”. Thessaloniki, Greece 2008

"En Passant"- Three Lithuanian artists in Paris.  Gallery Artmontparnasse 2013

“In search of lost paradise” Granada, Spain 2015

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